Dear Freedamn Heads
Last weekend, 2/12-13, our “Inspiration 2010” event was done GIANT successfully last weekend with over 1500 vintage FREAKS!!
Super good vibes were gathering in 2 days, thanks to all kind people, but various from surfers to Bikers including Hell’s Angeles?!
Fortunately weathers were very “Californian blue sky” all days with nice Santa Monica Sea Breeze!
As I expected, Barker Hangar inside Santa Monica Airport became super kool “Tempolary High-end Vintage space” .
All exhibitors were decorated their booth very professionally with their high-end items.
SOOOOOOO many nice vintage clothing were displayed inside Barker Hangar!
Of course, I also had enjoyed a lots with so many friends from worldwide!!
Thanks to all cool audience, everybody said to me “GREAT SHOW” before leaving to their home.
And then, I am receiving so many kind e-mails with their photos.
let me introduce some nice ones!
Thanks so so much again for all friends, including my hard working staffs,
and see you at the next “Inspiration 2011”!
Rin Tanaka

Red Hot shouting beside the entrance banners
From Red Hot’s Camera.
He living in Tokyo was my first editorial designer at My Freedamn! 1, published in 2003!
When he finished this front cover design, we were sure that our self-publishing business would be very successfully.
Actually, this title was sold super well: over 15000 copies were sold quickly in short month worldwide, because Internet helped my world smallest self-publication business at those time! Thanks again, Red Hot!
From Robert Warner’s Camera
“Dear Rin
You are greatest photographer but lousy model (Ha Ha)
Thank you for including me in your life and art .
I enjoy show very much and lets do it again I hope.
Thanks so so much again, Robert-san!