Let us do the big “donation” party on 11/2!

Let us do the big “donation” party on 11/2!

800 Beers, 700 waters and 500 glass of “high ball,” sponsored by British “Jameson” for the preview night of 11/2!—-Now I am making the donation box for our Saturday night on 11/2! You know, 800 cans of beers are so heavy to move to our 3F floor (hahahaha), but I am planning a big donation […]

Only “11/3 Evening Tickets” available now!

Only “11/3 Evening Tickets” available now!

Thanks to you all, most tickets were sold out now: Only “11/3 Evening tickets” are available! They will be sold out soon! Don’t miss them! NOTE* On 11/2-3, we will NOT sell any additional tickets at ticket counter. Now I hope that 11/2-3 will be fine weather. See you next Saturday & Sunday! Super thanks, […]

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation…..

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation…..

How do I make my event successful? Hollywood people always say “Preparation is everything!” It means that the key to “make any project success” is depends on “How much did I do set up jobs perfectly before the real performance….”Yesterday, I had the final meeting at EBiS 303. My mission is to share “safety, comfortable […]

Dear my old Japanese friends….

Dear my old Japanese friends….

My Japanese staff of “Inspiration LA 2010 show” at Barker Hangar —-I have few photos only about my first 2010 show, but what a fantastic photo this is…..I don’t want to remember: honestly I, as a promoter, lost big money at my first show, but many people still tell me “Rin, your first show was […]

Inspiration LA 2010 at San Monica Airport!

Inspiration LA 2010 at San Monica Airport!

@wyld.e.cotote_ just posted this super rare photo about my first show at Barker Hangar in Santa Monica in Feb 2010. Wow….. I had no times to take photos and most people didn’t have iphones yet….So there are very few photos left about this 2010 show.I didn’t think that Inspiration would be survived 15 years later, […]

Sold out many tickets!!

Sold out many tickets!!

I just arrived back in Japan! Here is still warm, even though today is 10/18……Anyway, thanks to you all, most tickets were already sold out now! Only “11/3 Afternoon & Evening tickets” are available! Don’t miss them!NOTE* On 11/2-3, we will NOT sell any additional tickets at ticket counter. Ok, very looking forward to seeing […]