Tickets on Sale!

Tickets on Sale!

Finally I just started selling the advanced tickets for Inspiration Tokyo 2024 show (11/2-3)!Please check out below; have 5 choices.11/2 3pm-9pm (300 tickets only)6pm-9pm (200 tickets only)11/3 10am-7pm (300 tickets only)1pm-7pm (200 tickets only)4pm-7pm (200 tickets only)Tickets are limited: only 1200 for 2 days. Please purchase one(s) before sold out!Thanks so much!Rin Tanaka

16 exhibitors from the International!

16 exhibitors from the International!

Adding the national flags…..I am checking the “completely fixed” floor map on 11/2-3. Now I found below….1. International exhibitors.. Total 16U.S….12France…1Korea….1Taiwan…1Thailand…1 2. Japanese Exhibitors…..Total 44Tokyo area…25Nagoya & Chubu Area…..7Osaka….4Hokuriku….4Kyusyu…3Kyoto….1 Mmmmm… I am so glad that there are many exhibitors from “Non-Tokyo.” We, including me, will meet many “unknown” exhibitors. That’s very exciting! Thanks so much […]

My secret during show….

My secret during show….

PS* My secret during the show was always listening “Keith Jarrett” in full volume around 8-9am in huge spaces. Nobody there except me….. It was soooo nice music experience! Keith is moaning!

Today is Vintage Gathering Day!!

Today is Vintage Gathering Day!!

Weather in Pasadena would be “Cloudy” (I hope no rain) today … schedule we will have “Vintage Gathering Day” today (4/13)! Probably 2000 audience will come to Pasadena Convention Center! Parking lots will be fulled by noon. Please find any parking spots near PCC! There are many parking companies! See you soon, 10am-4pm today! Rin […]

See you on 4/12-13!!

See you on 4/12-13!!

Inspiration LA show will be held this Fri & Sat, but tomorrow (4/11) is the “setup day” for exhibitors. Yes, my packing jobs are done! I am 100% ready for the show! Very looking forward to meeting many friends this weekend! Thanks so much! Rin Tanaka

What will you wear on 4/12-13?!!

What will you wear on 4/12-13?!!

Only 3 days are left by 4/12! I am thinking what I will wear on 4/12-13… too?! I actually don’t need to think , because I have to wear my STAFF t-shirts during the show! Hahaha. 4/12-13 would be “sunny” t-shirts days , but you will need “jackets” at our AFTER PARTIES. I am very […]

AFTER PARTY at Freenote Cloth on night of 4/12!

AFTER PARTY at Freenote Cloth on night of 4/12!

Only 6 days are left by 4/12-13! I am 99% ready for the show now! I just got the jpg flyer from Freenote Cloth! Yes, we will have two “after party” on night of 4/12 & 13 and our first session will be held at FREENOTE CLOTH near downtown LA & Pasadena on 4/12! Yes, […]