“Inspiration LA 2025 Vol. 17: KISS me…?!”

“Inspiration LA 2025 Vol. 17: KISS me…?!”

Here is the B side of my Christmas Card. In this summer, Madeline (=my favorite model;) quickly changed again to “Paul Stanley”! WOW! He is my GUITAR HERO, too!! Very NICE job, Madeline!! Below is my message to you, in December of 2024! I hope you all having wonderful holiday season! Rin Tanaka A few […]

Flash Back #14: Wicked with his friends from Nagoya

Flash Back #14: Wicked with his friends from Nagoya

I have known Sato-san of WICKED for many years and I often meet him at US vintage show as well. Since his young times, He has been collecting something different, which most vintage dealers are looking for: nobody follows his SENSE.Hahahaha. We have some exhibitors from Nagoya. Yep, Nagoya is one of high-quality”Vintage Cities.” Thanks […]

Flash Back #13: Ooe Yofukuten from Aichi

Flash Back #13: Ooe Yofukuten from Aichi

On 11/2-3, I stayed at the same hotel, which Mr & Mrs Ooe did. So I met them every morning! Ooe-san has been joining us Inspiration LA & Tokyo both for last couple years: they are always very active to research about old denim manufacturing! I always feel that winners of the life is the […]

Flash Back #12: Gypsy & Sons from Aichi

Flash Back #12: Gypsy & Sons from Aichi

Nagoya area is the Japanese “Motown” and there are lots of old bike “enthusiasts” living there. When I first met him few years ago, Kato-san (right, owner of Gypsy & Sons) rode very old 1930s H-D bikes. That was sooo kool! Thanks so much again, Kato-san!

Flash Back #11: D Clothing from Koenji, Tokyo

Since the 1980s, Koenji has been one of very famous “vintage” cities in Toikyo where young ROCK people live. Ishikwa-san is one of oldest vintage dealers from Koenji, and he also has big supported my “My Freedamn!” publishing business! Thanks so much always, Ishikawa-san!

Flash Back #9: Delight Clothing & Supply

Flash Back #9: Delight Clothing & Supply

I was so glad that there are few vintage exhibitors from Kyushu; Delight Clothing & Supply comes from Fukuoka! They flew to Haneda Airport! Welcome to Tokyo! I always think that Japan is not small country; there are many things which I don’t know much about, especially vintage clothing stores outside Tokyo. Thanks so so […]

Flash Back #8: Ratta Montta from Soul, South Korea

As I know, South Korea has been not a large market for vintage clothing business, but Ratta Montta is one of very rare stores from SOUL! Welcome to Tokyo! One of very happy things for me was that we got many customers from Asian countries as well! Yep, now fashionable Asian people are gathering Japan! […]