Dear Freedamn Head Hello! Thanks again for your join us Inspiration 2015 last weekend. After the event done, Now I am receiving many website reports. Here is great article by Alina Nguyen of The Hundreds Check it out!! Rin
Inspiration 2015: We are ready!!!
Dear Freedman Heads Today was long day for exhibitors. Yes, most exhibitors were already setup the show!! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!!! Rin Tanaka
Kick Off Party!! See you tomorrow at the Strong Hold in Venice, CA!!
Dear Freedman Heads Finally, I am ready for our upcoming show!!!! Tomorrow our exhibitors will start setup from early morning. And after our jobs, we will move to Venice Beach to join KICK OFF party, hosted by the Strong Hold & Leis Leathers! Yeh!! Location: the Strong Hold Times: 7-9pm on 2/5. See details below! […]
Vanson Leathers will REPAIR your old jackets during the show!
Dear Freedman Heads Our exhibitor: Vanson Leathers will repair your old jackets during show! Please bring your old ones!! See details below! Rin
Our ticket buyers will get $5 off for Vintage Fashion Expo. on 2/7
Dear Freedamn Heads Good News! Our colabo event: Vintage Fashion Expo ( will have their own show at The Reef B1 Floor on 2/7-8. All of Inspiration audience will get $5 off at their ticket counter. Please show your wristband to them!! Also, we will have mini party with Vintage Expo 1F Entrance […]
Thousands vintage freaks coming into Los Angeles soon!!
Dear Freedamn Heads Hello! I have been receiving many e-mails from exhibitors and guests living outside Los Angeles. Soon thousands worldwide vintage freaks will fly for LAX to join Inspiration 2015 on 2/6-7. Let me say “Thanks so much!” Fortunately weather report says “Los Angeles: SUNNY on 2/5-8”! We will start KICK OFF party at […]
Preview Night Music!! Rockin’ Lloyd Tripp & 4 DJs!
Dear Freedman Heads Hello! Now I am setting up my music schedules for preview nights! 5:00-5:30… Rockin’s Lloyd Tripp play hillbilly set. 5:30-9:00…. 4 DJ by Made Solid Free beer & wine will be served from 6-9pm!! Rin
Share Happiness! 1500 Glico Pocky for you!!
Dear Freedman Heads Today I stopped by our annual party sponsors’ office in Irvine: Glico and got 1500 POCKY packages!! You know well; Pocky has been long decades best-selling chocolate snacks in Japan! I have loved , too!! 1500 Pocky will be free served at 1. Preview Night 6-9pm 2/6 and 2. Mini […]
Weather Report Says “Sunny on 2/6-7, 80℉!!”
Dear Freedman Head I am checking weather report now… They say “Sunny and warm on 2/6-7!” Great!! But don’t forget bring your jacket at the party times. Southern California has warm days, but our night times are very cold!!