Inside Spruce Goose Dome?!!

Inside Spruce Goose Dome?!!

Dear Freedamnheads! Hello! Tokyo is very hot now!! How is your city? Now I am preparing to set up the next Inspiration 2013, on 2/8-9/2012. As I already announced, we will upgrade to Spruce Goose Dome, net to the Queen Mary Hotel. Soon, I will start accepting exhibitor’s applications. Let me attached photos inside Spruce […]

I will have a small party at TOKYO PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOOL in Tsukiji, Tokyo on 7/12!!

I will have a small party at TOKYO PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOOL in Tsukiji, Tokyo on 7/12!!

Freedamn Headsの皆様 拝啓 『My Freedamn! 10』が無事発売されまして、 友人が運営する日本写真学院で現在ミニ写真展が行われています。 本書のなかから16枚ほど抜粋し、きれいにプリント&額装してくださいまして、 是非お時間のあるかたはお立寄りいただけますと幸いです。 さらに日本写真学校さんの東北震災チャリティー企画として My Freedamn! 10 Special Versionの“紅花バージョン”(薄い桃色?) も限定50冊発売されております。(一般流通はなし) 場所:東京都中央区湊1-8-11-4F (03-3523-0545) 会期:6/29-7/12 さらに最終日の7/12 18:30-20:30に“クロージング・ドリンク・パーティー”を開催していただきます。 もちろん私もおりますので、是非是時お立ち寄りいただけますと幸いです。 日本には殆どいないので、普段お目にかかれない日本の皆様に多くお会いでき、 お話ができますことを心から楽しみにしております。 THANKS ALWAYS! 田中凛太郎

My Freedamn! 10 was just released in Japan!!

My Freedamn! 10 was just released in Japan!!

Dear Freedamn Heads Thanks to your big supporting my business, “My Freedamn! 10” was just released in Japan!! It will be released in US market till the end of August. Please wait for a while. Japanese CLUTCH Magazine introduced about this new releasing. Thanks so so much always, Matsushima-san! Rin Tanaka

Japanese CLUTCH magazine featuring Inspiration 2012!!

Japanese CLUTCH magazine featuring Inspiration 2012!!

Dear Freedamn Heads Hello, Everybody! Sorry for my non-updating. I just done all my editorial jobs for My Freedamn! 10, released in Japan on 7/1 and in worldwide market in this summer. Japanese CLUTCH magazine featuring our Inspiration 2012 now! I just remember again how fun we had great vintage meeting with 2600 vintage freaks […]

Advance TIcket Sales will be done soon!

Dear Freedamn Heads Hello! Many people are buying our advanced tickets through the website now! Thanks so so much again! This advance ticket sales will be completely closed soon, till 12pm on 2/9! Don’t miss the last chance! Also you can buy tickets at the entrance gate on 2/10-11! See you at Queen Mary soon! […]

Dennis Owens will play DJ at our KICK-OFF Party(inretrospect on the 4th street of LB) on 2/9 7-9pm!

Dear Freedamn Heads Good News! “Dennis Owens” will play DJ at our KICK-OFF Party: inretrospect on the 4th street of LB 2/9 7-9pm! About Dennis, check his face book! Dennis Owens will play DJ at our KICK-OFF Party(inretrospect on the 4th street of LB) on 2/9 7-9pm! About Dennis, As I know, he is […]