A Japanese CLUTCH Magazine big featuring VINTAGE in the new Sep 2012 issue !

A Japanese CLUTCH Magazine big featuring VINTAGE in the new Sep 2012 issue !

Dear Fredamn Heads! Good evening, everybody! This afternoon, I got a new issue of  a Japanese CLUTCH magazine (Sep of 2012). WOW, they are big featuring my favorite VINTAGe clothing and culture!! Viewing inside front pages, our exhibitors, customers and friends  were interviewed: Uchida-san (Jantique), Yamada-san (Ber Ber Jin), Mr. Larry McKaughan (Heller’s Cafe), Sunao […]

Japanese Fashion Magazine “Oceans” Featuring “Beams Bag free-gifted at the Inspiration 2012!

Japanese Fashion Magazine “Oceans” Featuring “Beams Bag free-gifted at the Inspiration 2012!

Dear Freedamn Head   Hello! I forgot updating the article about Inspiration 2012. Japanese Fashion Magazine “Oceans (July Issue)” featuring BEAMS Bag which was free gifted to all participants at the our latest event!!”! You got one, didn’t you?!! Probably now you are using at your beach time, as like I am doing!! Beams had […]

New Layout Map!!

New Layout Map!!

Dear Freedamn Heads Hello! Attached the newest layout at Inspiration 2012. It looks like airplane ticket booking. Yes, early birds will get nicer spots! If you are interested in join as a exhibitor in the Inspiration 2013, plsease comntact to info@inspirationla.com My secretary: Keiko will answer to you ASAP!!   Thanks many for your big […]

Inside Spruce Goose Dome?!!

Inside Spruce Goose Dome?!!

Dear Freedamnheads! Hello! Tokyo is very hot now!! How is your city? Now I am preparing to set up the next Inspiration 2013, on 2/8-9/2012. As I already announced, we will upgrade to Spruce Goose Dome, net to the Queen Mary Hotel. Soon, I will start accepting exhibitor’s applications. Let me attached photos inside Spruce […]