Dear Freedamn Heads
Last 5 days, I in California, have been watching carefully about earthquake news, happening in Kumamoto area (Kyusyu, Japan).
That’s nightmare again for all Japanese since 2011, although we Japanese know well that Japan is the “volcano country” with earthquakes frequency …..
In 1990s, Kumamoto was one of biggest “Vintage clothing boom area.”
So I have been to Kumamoto once to meet my dear “leather jacket friends” in 2001.
He, Mr. Gouichiro Gima, had lots of nice vintage motorcycle jackets…
I hope all my old friends are safe now.
Some of our Inspiration exhibitors and audience may have their families in Kumamoto area.
I believe “Life can be so sweet…” like singing by Louis Armstrong.
God bless to all people in Kumamoto area!!
Rin Tanaka from Palm Spring, CA
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