“Lewis Leathers Vol.2”— 2 Months are still left by 11/2-3, but I am already 90% ready for the show now! Are you ready, too?! 😁
So..since 8/26, I had been staying in London to edit my 26 title: “Lewis Leathers Vol.2″….
What had I been doing at my London 5-night stays? “Photography jobs from 10am to 6pm and drinking beers in the nights. 😁 That’s all! No shopping and sightseeing but I had been spending soooo fun days with Derek and Saaya-san (=his wife) at his London office all day long!
25 years ago, I met Derek: one of my BEST “leather jackets friends ever! He is not only the owner of Lewis Leathers LTD., but he is a also super-cleaver HISTORIAN of the UK R&R histories! He has never told any wrong histories to me! So, alwasy talking with him about UK & EU histories in the 20th century, I have been able to learn correctly sooo much. Thanks so much again and Derek & Saaya-san!
Anyway, I am ready for the show on 11/2-3! See you soon!Rin Tanaka

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