For Exhibitors: At Spruce Goose Dome

For Exhibitors: At Spruce Goose Dome

Dear Inspiration 2013 Exhibitors   AS you know, our upcoming Inspiration 2013 show will be moved to Spruce Goose Dome (next to the Queen Mary Hotel in LB Port!) See below photos! Here are our new vintage party venue on 2/7-9/2014!! I am very excited to see you soon!   Rin Tanaka

For Vendors: Exhibitor’s Guide

Dear Inspiration 2013 Vendors Hello! How are you? Only 3 weeks are left by 2/7! ARe you ready for set up?? I hope that Below info may be helpful for your setup jobs! If any questions, please let me know. I am very excited to have our 4th annual event with you again! Any questions, […]

Check out the my article inside LIGHTNING magazine!

Check out the my article inside LIGHTNING magazine!

Dear Freedamn Heads!   Hello! I just returned back from Amsterdam!! And then, I received the new issue of “LIGHTNING” magazine, including my article! Please check at the local bookstore!! Rin PS: Nowadays I am trying to my next job to edit “2013 WESCO JAPAN Catalog” too!!