AFTER PARTY at RRL Melrose on 2/13 7-10pm

AFTER PARTY at RRL Melrose on 2/13 7-10pm

Dear Freedamn Heads I just got AFTER PARTY flyer from RRL! VERY NICE!! Most people already knew about this, but please join us AFTER PARTY at RRL Melrose store on 2/13 7-9pm! Sure our event staff also will drive up to Melrose,  quickly after cleaning up the venue on the evening of 2/13! Let us […]

Billy Gibbons Sticker!!

Billy Gibbons Sticker!!

Dear Freedamn Heads I just came back from my printer’s office in San Clemente, CA. Yes, I just got event stickers, too!! It’s very nice, isn’t it! “How do I get it?” Maybe….you can get at the entrance counter on 2/12, but I made only 1500 pieces. So they will be gone soon!! Can’t wait […]

Cycle Zombies is ready for the show!!

Cycle Zombies is ready for the show!!

Dear Freeadmn Heads Today is very nice “sunny Sunday” to ride the bike. I just came back from my local  “Cycle Swapmeet” in Long Beach CA. Yes, I met Scotty Stopnik of Cycle Zombies. I respect him, because…he has changed nothing since I first met him  over 10 years ago at San Onofre Beach. He […]

Big Featuring Stanley Mouse!!!

Big Featuring Stanley Mouse!!!

Dear Freedamn Heads Two days ago, I spoke with Stanley Mouse by phone. I first met him…in 1999. Uniquely, Gary Fisher (pioneer of mountain bike movement from Bay Area) introduced me to Mouse Since then, I had visited at his studios many times to lear about many thing; his Early 1960s Hot Rod T-shirts maker […]

After Party at RRL Melrose on 2/13 7-9PM

After Party at RRL Melrose on 2/13 7-9PM

Dear Freedamn Heads Hello! Now I am spending GOOD BUSY times just before 3 weeks left. Yesterday, I drove off at RRL Melrose store. Yes, as schedule, RRL Melrose will host our AFTER PARTY on 2/13 7-9pm. Sure, me and my staff will go to there quickly after cleaning up the venue!!   They said […]

Cross Promotion with Vintage Expo!

Cross Promotion with Vintage Expo!

Dear Freedamn Head   Entering “3 weeks left  by 2/12”, I have been receiving many info about Inspiration LA 2016 show! Like our 2015 LA show, we have cross promotion again with Vintage Expo (at the REEF on 2/13-14). On 2/13, all Inspiration ticket holders get $5 discount (you need to pay $5 ebtrance fee) […]

Billy Gibbons Balloon!!

Billy Gibbons Balloon!!

Dear Freedamn Heads   Today, on 1/11, I found “just 30 days left by Inspiration 2016 LA,” watching the calender! No worry; I have done around 85% of total setup jobs already. So now me and designer are quickly making event decorations. Attached a new “balloon order jpg” design, here. Pretty nice, right?! Yes, Billy-san […]